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Technology in the Classroom

Urban Corps Charter School is committed to providing all students access to 21st century learning skills and tools. We encourage paperless classroom practices through the use of digital textbooks and virtual learning resources. Through the use of these tools UCCS facilitated a blended instructional approach, providing students a seamless technology rich learning experience as they master core content area standards.  

UCCS developed a Technology Plan, which resulted in developing a schoolwide needs assessment pertaining to hardware and software and an assessment of our schoolwide infrastructure.

  • Upgrade entire schoolwide infrastructure to increase Wi-Fi bandwidth

  • Implementation of servers to backup school data/systems

  • Purchase of Chromebooks to implement 1:1 Chromebook per student

  • Professional Development for all teachers to increase digital literacy, use of web-based programs, Google Apps for Education (GAFE), and use of Apple products to engage student learning

  • Purchase of Promethean smart boards for all classrooms.



Google Certified Educator (GCE) is a program designed and managed by Google for educators who use G Suite for Education as part of their teaching and student learning. The program combines classroom experience with Google developed training resources and examinations that lead towards certification.  

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